BBH Launches One State One Vision West Virginia Substance Use Primary Prevention Strategic Plan 2025-2030
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

Help and Hope West Virginia / West Virginia families and communities along with the rest of the nation continue to face the public health crisis of substance use disorder. Together we can help our fellow West Virginians and restore our families and communities. There is Help and there is Hope...


Get Help

For immediate help for any West Virginian struggling with substance use or mental health issues - call or text 24/7.

Teens & Families

Teens & Families

90% of Americans with substance use disorder started smoking, drinking or using other drugs before age 18. Prevention starts early!



"The amount of opioids prescribed in the U.S. is still too high, with too many opioid prescriptions for too many days at too high a dosage."
– Anne Schuchat, MD, Deputy Director, CDC

Bureau for Behavioral Health Clearinghouse

Bureau for Behavioral Health Clearinghouse

The Clearinghouse provides agencies and practitioners with valuable information regarding the level of effectiveness for various interventions.

Jobs and Hope WV

Jobs & Hope WV

Jobs & Hope WV provides people in recovery the opportunity to obtain career training and to ultimately secure meaningful employment.

Words Matter

Words Matter

The stigma of substance use disorder keeps people from seeking treatment and stands in the way of recovery. Addiction is not a choice. Choose your words carefully.

Communities & First Responders

Communities & First Responders

Communities & First Responders can adopt policies and practices to reduce overdoses and save lives.

Image of medicine bottles

Medication Disposal

Learn about why proper disposal of medication is important and how to properly dispose of unused, unwanted, or expired prescription medications.

Connections for Recovery

Recovery Support Resources

Free recovery support resources for WV residents and providers including a mobile app for individuals with SUD and an app for family, friends, and caregivers.

Prevention Works

Prevention Works

Prevention requires a coordinated, comprehensive effort to prevent substance use disorders. WV has an excellent prevention infrastructure to implement and support efforts.

image of patient and doctor

Treatment Is Effective

Substance use disorder is treatable and can be managed successfully. Your health care provider can help you determine an individualized treatment plan.

image of person placing hand on another person's shoulder

People Recover

People can and do recover! There are many paths to recovery and many individuals who can help along the way.